Brent Bundick

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Computer Code & Replication Files

Code to replicate Uncertainty Shocks in a Model of Effective Demand: Reply

Data and code to replicate Uncertainty Shocks in a Model of Effective Demand

Note: The impulse response matching code in the above two projects was estimated using Dynare Version 4.4.3.   In its current form, the code may not be compatible with later versions of Dynare.  In the future, I will post an updated version of the code that works with new versions of Dynare. 

Code to replicate The Dynamic Effects of Forward Guidance Shocks

Slides and code for Mini-Course on Policy Function Iteration

        Taught at Boston College (2013 & 2014) and UT-Austin (2016)

Slides and code for Mini-Course on Perturbation Methods & Dynare

        Taught at University of Kansas (2017)